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---------------------------中国书法文房四宝 砚台 Inkstone-------------------------
砚台亦称砚亦称为研,中国传统手工艺品之一,砚与笔、墨、纸合称中国传统的文房四宝即笔墨纸砚,是中国书法的必备用具。砚材极为广泛,其中以山东青州的红丝砚、广东肇庆的端砚、安徽古歙州(今黄山)的歙砚、甘肃卓尼的洮河砚最为突出,称“四大名砚”。汉代刘熙写的《释名》中解释:“砚者研也,可研墨使和濡也”。它是由原始社会的研磨器演变而来。初期的砚,形态原始,是用一块小研石在一面磨平的石器上压墨丸研磨成墨汁。至汉时,砚上出现了雕刻,有石盖,下带足。魏晋至隋出现了圆形瓷砚,由三足而多足。箕形砚是唐代常见的砚式,形同簸箕,砚底一端落地,一端以足支撑。唐、宋时,砚台的造型更加多样化。砚台历经秦汉、魏晋,至唐代起,各地相继发现适合制砚的石料,开始以石为主的砚台制作。其中采用山东青州的红丝砚、广东端州的端石、安徽歙州的歙石及甘肃临洮的洮河石制作的砚台,被分别称作红丝砚、端砚、歙砚、洮河砚。后世人们便将红丝砚、端、歙、临洮砚称作四大名砚。清末,又将山西的澄泥砚与端、歙、洮并列为中国四大名砚。摘自《东方白大草书画社书法教材 砚台篇》
清代砚台 Qing Dynasty
Stone Carving: Ink Stone Time: Qing Dynasty (18th century) Length: 12.5"
Width: 9.5"
Note: Ink is prepared by rubbing ink stick on the flat surface with water, which is stored in the deeper portion of the ink stone in the far end. Location: Shenyang Palace Museum, Shenyang, Lianning Province, China
汉代砚台 Han Dynasty
Three-footed inkstone with lid of auspicious animal decor Han Dynasty ( 206 BC-AD 220 ) Height: 23.2 cm This is a typical inkstone from the late Eastern Han (25-220 AD). It is comprised of the base and a cover, which is carved in high relief in the form of an auspicious animal standing proudly with an open mouth. The sides are carved in the form of two openwork dragons. The round cover is concave inside and fits over the raised lip of the inkstone. The surface is flat and the ridge would have held the ink inside. The legs are represented in the form of bears carved in relief with a band of six dragons connecting them. Both parts of the inkstone are carved with great detail. The characters "Chun i kuan" are engraved under the chin of the auspicious animal. Thus, this is not only a rare surviving example of this inkstone type, but it also of exceptional quality.
Palace Museum, Taipei
宋代砚台 Song Dynasty
Inkstone with inscription, "Yu Tai Sheng (Wearer of a jade belt)"
Song [Sung] Dynasty (A.D. 960--1279)
Length: 17.4 cm, Width: 5.3 cm, Height: 3.6 cm, Weight: 744 gm grinding area, is in the shape of a Chinese shoe. The area above the ink pool is higher than normal, and on its surface is the carved inscription "Yu Tai Sheng" in seal script. The stone is purple with a lustrous white stripe around the middle, resembling a belt. Just beneath this belt and also in a ring around the inkstone, there is an ode carved in seal script characters, followed by the acknowledgment, "Wen T'ien-hsiang (A.D. 1236--1282) of Luling." A poem by the Ch'ien-lung emperor (A.D. 1736--1795) is incised in seal script in a ring beneath these characters. On the base of this inkstone is another inscription by Ch'ien-lung in clerical script that was carved in the year 1774.
黄山砚台雕刻 Huangshan Sculpture
砚台雕刻 Sculpture carved as inkstones
at Huangshan, Anhui, China
四大著名砚台 - 洮砚 端砚 歙砚 澄泥砚
Four Best Localitites of Inkstones
· |Xi inkstone| inkstone produced in Xi County of Anhui Province, one of the four famous inkstone in China.
· |Duan Inkstone| Named offer the place of origin - Duanzhou (today's Zhaoqing of Guangdong Province),the first famous inkstone in China.
· |Tao inkstone| one of the famous four inkstones in China. named after the place of origin-TaoHei of Gansu Province.
· |Nishan inkstone| from Nishan, Shandong Province.

砚台例子 A good inkstone sample

The main material of the Inkstone is Lowen stone and Longwei stone. The granularity of mineral is between 0.01-0.049mm.
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